Homecoming… such a joyful time…

I went to collect my husband from the airport in the day… there were still few minutes to his landing time… in addition to landing time there is also luggage collection time... altogether I got a good half hour to watch the people arriving from various destinations… most of them coming home… there was relief and happiness and pride and nostalgia in their demeanor… the air was cool, the weather hot and humid… they were all expecting it to be that way… because this was home they had come to and you always know what to expect at home… there are those few changes that catch your eye… new blinds on the lounge windows, new covers on your old but familiar and comfy bed, a new plant in the driveway, new crockery for breakfast, etc…. these travelers who were returning also scanned their surroundings and made mental notes of the new sign at the airport terminal, the cars of news channels waiting for somebody’s arrival, the barriers put up at the cuts in the lanes leading to McDonalds, etc… I fondly observed each passenger… the pride showed in their stance and in their appearance… a boy with a fanny pack kind of travelers pouch, tied around his thigh, smiled and greeted his driver… the college education he had gone for was his pride… an elderly couple appeared… dressed in comfortable but smart outfits… their children living and earning abroad were their pride… a newly married girl coming home to see her parents for the first time was proud of having a settled and comfortable life abroad…

The boy with the travelers pouch was thrilled to see his old but familiar car… with his chauffer seated in the passenger seat now, he drove off into familiar but forgotten sights and sounds… the elderly couple was returning to their own routines… tending to plants, taking quiet long walks together and enjoying each other’s companionship like always… the newly married girl wanted to feel young and free again in the comfort of her parents home… she would call her friends over, have ice cream and chips as they watched a movie together and later snuggle in her lil bed like old times…

I sighed thinking about what homecoming meant to everyone at different times in life… and then I thought about the homecoming I recently learnt about at work… it is the day that we meet our Lord… indeed that is the real homecoming we have to prepare for… that is where we started from and that is where we will return…

I thought of moms homecoming and Amma’s homecoming… glorious moments of peace and contentment… a quiet transition that they made without creating any fuss… something that happened as naturally as birth! I hope it was as much a matter of relief and joy for them as reflected by these passengers in their demeanor on their homecoming… I hope and pray that mamma’s and amma’s homecoming felt as soothing and warm as a mother’s embrace… I hope and pray that our homecoming and that of our children and children’s children is a matter of true joy and happiness… that we find ourselves in gardens and castles and everything that Allah swt has promised for His dear ones! May Allah swt make us from amongst those who He loves; may Allah swt forgive us with His mercy and take us in His warm embrace when we have our final homecoming, ameen!


  1. Beautiful read as always. MashaAllah tabarakAllah!


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