
Showing posts from August 29, 2010


My little daughter was tucked between Little Friend and me as we sat doing our mundane Ramadaan-Sunday  activities. He BBM'd half way across the world, while I checked the news paper. Sunday editions are the most fun ones! The front page showed heart breaking pictures of the most terrible floods to hit  Pakistan in around a hundred years. The homeless, the hungry and the ill were photographed in different angles to beautify the images as well as invoke feelings of compassion in our hearts, all at once. By the time I had reached the entertainment section I had been through several episodes of killings, suicide attempts, protests following increased prices and load shedding and not to forget the false promises of the government heads made to the victims in each case... I sighed miserably... My little one took turns first staring at me then Little Friend... The entertainment did not interest me the least bit because of the high ramadaan spirit... I was not "wowed" by...


I want to begin this post with the mention of a dear friend and deeni sister... Her initials are A.F, hence AliF is what I want to call her in my blog... It would be quite appropriate as she is my first true deeni sister and marks the beginning of  a deeni friendship just as the alphabet "alif" marks the beginning of Arabic alphabets... AliF is really pretty mashAllah and looks especially gorgeous donning her black jilbaab and veil with  only large dark eyes visible to the world... She has incredible courage mashAllah and a generous heart! But what I really admire about AliF is her ability to memorize just about any ayaah or hadith almost as soon as she is done reading it! MashAllah! She can fluently recite just about any reference from the quraan and the hadith in support of her argument! Above all AliF is not one bit arrogant about this wonderful trait that she possesses!  Once, when she had invited me and a friend over for breakfast, sh...

Spring-Cleaning and Abandoning the Material World...

Yahya was asked to bring two old and used greeting cards for some art project in school... I was very pleased to read the note as it reminded me not only that I have bundles and bundles of old greeting cards, but also that I had very recently started getting rid of old sentimental stuff... the stuff included my engagement flowers :) , my wedding flowers :) , a glass decoration, now stored in a cardboard box in the form of broken shards, that Little Friend got me before we were married, and a box full of chocolate wrappers that I treasured because I had received the chocolates from Little Friend right after we were engaged!!! Imagine how dear all this filth was to me that I felt people were very unfair when they suggested I should part with it! So last week I labelled it as part "spring cleaning" and part "abandoning worldly possessions spree" when I actually discarded all these useless items( i still have a carton ful of them at the back of the cupboard... ...