Dear Mom,
You lived your life like a say'ee...
Running back and forth to earn a living for us, and to fill our lives with material and spiritual goodness...
From living beauty to living prayer, you were everything to us; to your family; to your students; to the society; to the world...
Allah swt made you perfect! Perfect in beauty, complete in personality and faultless in character!
He swt filled your heart with strength, pateince, love, belief and purity!
He swt designed you like the angels. He gave your smile the brilliance of the stars.
He swt made you fragrant like flowers and bright like sunshine!
And then He swt gave you to us; to your off-spring!
We loved you and cuddled inside you... We did not do anything to earn your prayer, yet you prayed for us! You brought smiles our way, while we never realized how difficult it was for you...
You answered our questions and held our hand till fear gripped our heart...
You sang to us while we slept, you stroked our hair when we cried...
And when we were old enough to fly away from the nest, you closed your eyes,
And went into eternal slumber!
We wailed, we wept... Nothing was of avail... Allah swt had tried and tested you... You had earned His pleasure and done your part in our lives... The time had arrived and you were summoned!
Oh how I miss you Mom, uptill this day... This day when you would have completed 64 years of your life... But have not been with us to celebrate it for the past 8 years!
Your life was full of lessons for us, as was your demise...
We learned the reality and the purpose of existence in the way you gracefully accepted what Fate held for you!
We continue to make duaa for your eternal journey to be smooth and beautiful...
Complete, with angels and palaces and fruits!
There is nothing I can do to bring you back, to hug you and win your love...
Which is why, there are still many things that I will leave unsaid!
Dear Mom,
You lived your life like a say'ee...
Running back and forth to earn a living for us, and to fill our lives with material and spiritual goodness...
From living beauty to living prayer, you were everything to us; to your family; to your students; to the society; to the world...
Allah swt made you perfect! Perfect in beauty, complete in personality and faultless in character!
He swt filled your heart with strength, pateince, love, belief and purity!
He swt designed you like the angels. He gave your smile the brilliance of the stars.
He swt made you fragrant like flowers and bright like sunshine!
And then He swt gave you to us; to your off-spring!
We loved you and cuddled inside you... We did not do anything to earn your prayer, yet you prayed for us! You brought smiles our way, while we never realized how difficult it was for you...
You answered our questions and held our hand till fear gripped our heart...
You sang to us while we slept, you stroked our hair when we cried...
And when we were old enough to fly away from the nest, you closed your eyes,
And went into eternal slumber!
We wailed, we wept... Nothing was of avail... Allah swt had tried and tested you... You had earned His pleasure and done your part in our lives... The time had arrived and you were summoned!
Oh how I miss you Mom, uptill this day... This day when you would have completed 64 years of your life... But have not been with us to celebrate it for the past 8 years!
Your life was full of lessons for us, as was your demise...
We learned the reality and the purpose of existence in the way you gracefully accepted what Fate held for you!
We continue to make duaa for your eternal journey to be smooth and beautiful...
Complete, with angels and palaces and fruits!
There is nothing I can do to bring you back, to hug you and win your love...
Which is why, there are still many things that I will leave unsaid!
BEAUTIFUL....May Allah grant her Jannah, Aameen.
ReplyDeleteJazakAllah! Ameen!
ReplyDeletesalamunalaikum ...!
ReplyDeleteWhat is unsaid in words is said by tears!!!
sister, this post of yours has rolled down C tears from my eyes, a deep sigh from my heart and a simple smile from my soul.
I wish to post it on my blog one day Inshallah.
May Allah rest her soul in peace and ease and grant her the highest stations of paradise.A'meen.
walaikum as salaam ar ab akhi!
ReplyDeletei believe i was very emotional when i wrote it...
i will be touched brother if you post it IA!
very kind of u!
and ameen to ur duaa
assalamo laikum wr wb sister!
ReplyDeleteDo you know sister that Allah(SWT) has blessed your heart with love for your mother and that love in turn has brought all the blessings in your world, MashaALLAH!
It always hits me anew how much Allah(SWT)loves the tight bond between children and parents! this is the key to success and peace of both the worlds!
But sometimes I think that we begin to expect too much from them in their lives and take them absolutely for granted. When time slips away from the hand, its then only that painful realization creeps up and regret takes hold.
May ALLAH(SWT) give your mother Jannatul Firdos and reunite you there.
Would you please pray for me too that may I love my parents and be the coolness of their eyes, and that not a thorn of pain my parents feel in their heart in this world or hereafter.
love you ukhti,as always
Dear Ukhti! walaikumassalaam wr wb!
ReplyDeletehabibti ure so right when you say we take them for granted and regret later! ya Allah, the guilt! the regret! may Allah swt protect all the children of the ummah from this regret, Ameen!
you sound like a wonderful person ukhti, IA im sure you already are the coolness of eyes to ur parents that you want to be!
its so beautiful that you think on these lines and try to work on it, alhumdulillah!
may Allah swt give you much hidaya and reward you for trying to earn your parents' pleasure, Ameen!
love you for the sake of Allah swt...