
Showing posts from December 23, 2012

Still In Hajj Mode, Every Dhull Hajjah

Bismillah Ir Rahman Ir Raheem I certainly have not been loyal to my dear blog. Although I've taught and encouraged blogging to 11-15 year olds in the last year and referred my favorite blogs to many colleagues who are my age or older, yet, I have failed to continue my blogging succesfully. In my heart, though, i believe that one should go on even if there has been a lapse or an absence. So here I am, living my belief:) This Islamic year, 1434, began in November while 1433 ended with Dhul Hajjah being celebrated and talked about in great fervour alhumdulillah. This was my second Dhul Hajjah since I performed Hajj. wow! Alhumdulillah! I performed Hajj... ordinary me! I tried to fulfill all the sunnahs recommended for the first ten days of Dhul Hajjah. I made a facebook page around Yom-i-Arafah and alhumdulillah got around 100 people to join. I wept everytime I recited the takbeer. I also rang up my hajj group members on Yom -i- Arafah and talked about our amazing journey together...