Gentleness and deen...
There is a very famous story of Hazrat Suleman (A) and the Ants. Prophet Sulemaan (A) is known to have been able to speak to animals and the jinn. In this particular story, Prophet Sulemaan (A) is said to have been riding with his men in the desert when an army of ants sees them. The chief of the ants warns the others to get away from the way of the riders as they would mercilessly crush them otherwise! The prophet smiled gently and ordered his men to swerve away from the path of the tiny ants and eased away the worries of the ants. Just as much as this story is about the miracles of the great Prophet of Allah swt and the powers that Allah swt had gifted his prophets with, this story is also a reminder of the gentleness and affection that the great prophets felt for the Creation of Allah swt. We have numerous examples of tenderness and love in the life and teachings of our Last Prophet(S). Kindness towards plants, animals and humans alike; towards children, the elderly and the poor; t...