
My little daughter was tucked between Little Friend and me as we sat doing our mundane Ramadaan-Sunday  activities. He BBM'd half way across the world, while I checked the news paper. Sunday editions are the most fun ones! The front page showed heart breaking pictures of the most terrible floods to hit  Pakistan in around a hundred years. The homeless, the hungry and the ill were photographed in different angles to beautify the images as well as invoke feelings of compassion in our hearts, all at once.

By the time I had reached the entertainment section I had been through several episodes of killings, suicide attempts, protests following increased prices and load shedding and not to forget the false promises of the government heads made to the victims in each case... I sighed miserably... My little one took turns first staring at me then Little Friend... The entertainment did not interest me the least bit because of the high ramadaan spirit... I was not "wowed" by the "hottest trends" nor by the latest movie releases... Once again I shook my head in resignation... Minilicious also let out a loud sigh in imitation... I looked down at her very small face... A pair of large round eyes peered back at me... A naughty smile played around her thin lips almost making them disappear... Her curls looked really pretty in the Sunday afternoon sunlight... My heart gushed with love for her... I thought of how I could, if ever I had to, part with her... I thought of how much I cared about the teeny weeny details concerning her dressing and her hygiene and her manners and her speech... The list could go on and on and on!!! I feel so important because I am a mom!!! I worry about Minilicious getting hurt physically or emotionally... I wonder why she's never hungry and make an effort at stuffing her with the smallest portions of food...  Her food sometimes comprises only of a tablespoon of porridge with salt and at other times only a handful of some regular food... that too is cold and dry by the time Minilicious is done eating...
My life revolves around her milk and her hair care routine... I pray that she feels love for the hijab and for modesty as she grows up into a pretty young woman inshAllah! Very often we sit and talk about how Allah swt appreciates girls who don the abaya!

There are times when I am quite satisfied by my role in her life alhumdulillah! But then there are also instances when I realize that it's not actually me who is raising her or watching after her... It is only the Almighty Allah who is incharge of the protection and well-being of my dear daughter. It is by His Grace that I have her in the first place! I have been appointed by Allah swt to look after her and make a good muslimah of her! Alhumdulillah!

It was a similar realization at that moment that not only helped me escape from the horrors that the floods had caused and removed the resignation in my heart but also instilled a feeling of gratification for the Lord Almighty! alhumdulillah for the lovely daughter Allah swt has given me! Alhumdulillah for the feelings of love and motherhood that He has filled my heart with! Alhumdulillah for the protection and guidance from Allah swt without which we all would be so helpless and lost!

Little Minilicious is very petite and still just a three year old... Yet it is all thanks to her existence that I realize the powers and bounties of Allah swt time and again! Alhumdulillah!


  1. salamunalaikum.

    Mashallah! Very sweet of your little minillicious.

    I ask Allah ta'la to bless her life immensely.A'meen

  2. Ameen akhi!
    may Allah swt bless all the daughters of islam, Ameen!


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